Read the following question:


Police officer: “What were you doing when the crime happened?”


The suspect´s answer is:

I was working at Marco Polo Pizza.

I will work at Marco Polo Pizza.

I´m going to work at Marco Polo Pizza.

I should work at Marco Polo Pizza.

I work at Marco Polo Pizza.

Read the situation and complete the conversations: 


A: Let’s have a dinner party Friday night. Help me prepare the menu.

B: Ok. Remember that my sister ______________________, so we can’t make anything too fatty. Why don’t you make some chicken?

A: I would, but Stella __________________. She never eats meat. Maybe I can make that rice dish.


The correct sequence is:

is on a diet – is avoiding

is vegetarian – is on a diet

is on a diet – is vegetarian

is avoiding – doesn’t care for

allergic to – is vegetarian

Read the situation below and complete it with the suitable negative question.


         A: ______ you already made roast chicken this week?

         B: Yes, Don’t you like it?







A seguir, você lerá um texto em que a rede de notícias inglesa, BBC, convida seus internautas a participarem de uma pesquisa sobre tratamentos estéticos.

Ao lê-lo, preste atenção ao uso do Present Perfect (have you ever…?), estudado na unit 2 de seu livro. Além desse aspecto, observe as palavras cognatas e aqueles conhecimentos que você já possui sobre a língua inglesa.

Have you ever used Botox?  
Have you ever used cosmetic injectables such as Botox or dermal fillers?


BBC Three is looking for people who have used these products to improve their appearance.

Were you happy with the results or did it go wrong? Are you undergoing* corrective treatment or did you accept to live with the results?
This programme is particularly interested in speaking to anyone who has used Botox or dermal fillers who is under the age of 30. But even if you are over 30 we still want to hear from you.

Please tell us about your experiences sending a message to yourpics@bbc.co.

(Texto adaptado. Disponível em: http://www.bbc.co/news/world-11831504. Acesso em: 09 dez. 2015.)

*to undergoing: submeter-se a

Agora, leia as assertivas seguintes:


I) o Present Perfect conclama os internautas adeptos de procedimentos estéticos invasivos a contarem suas experiências com esses tratamentos.

II) o programa busca ouvir os relatos dos internautas que se submeteram a tratamentos estéticos invasivos e que tiveram resultados positivos.

III) o interesse da pesquisa é ouvir o motivo que leva pessoas jovens a submeterem-se a essas intervenções. Mas, as histórias de pessoas mais velhas serão bem-vindas.

IV) o interesse do programa é reunir experiências daqueles que se submeteram a esses procedimentos, por razões estéticas ou por indicação médica.

V) na primeira linha do texto, a expressão “cosmetic injectables” refere-se a cosméticos injetáveis. Assim, na sequência, há dois exemplos dessas substâncias. 

As assertivas que estão de acordo com o texto “Have you ever used Botox?” são:

I, II e V, apenas

I, III e V, apenas

I, II e IV, apenas

I, III e IV, apenas

II, III e V, apenas

The answer for the question “Have you ever been to Beijing?” is:

Yes, we have yet been there.

Yes, we´ve been there last year.

Yes, we´ve. We´ve loved it!

Yes, we have gone there once.

Yes, we have. We loved it!

Leia as frases, a seguir:


(I) Any accident on the road has to be reported to the police.

(II) You can use your credit card to pay the hotel bill.

(III) I haven´t had a good relationship with my partner.


De acordo com seus estudos sobre os substantivos, as formas destacadas anteriormente classificam-se, respectivamente, como:

coletivo – composto – comum de dois

sufixação – composto – comum de dois

coletivo – composto  coletivo

coletivo – composto – prefixação

comum de dois – composto – comum de dois

Sybill is driving her car along a road. But she has a problem: “Oh! I am running out of gas. And I have miles to go…


The warning for her is:

You´d better fill up your car.

You´d better fix the gas pedal.

You´d better service your car.

You´d better turn off the signal.

You´d better pick up your car.

Read the situation and choose the correct response to it.


 “I have a terrible headache.”

You´d better get your car serviced.

You´d better take an aspirin.

You´d better study hard.

You´d better hurry up!

You´d better buy a gift.

Leia, a seguir, um fragmento da canção “Viva la vida” da banda britânica Coldplay:


I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning I sleep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own


I used to roll the dice
Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes

Disponível em: letras.mus.br/coldplay/1253930. Acesso em: 18 dez. 2016.



De acordo com seus estudos, a estrutura “used to” expressa situações que:

são reconhecidas como verdadeiras.

acontecem em tempo indeterminado.

costumavam ocorrer no passado.

serão concretizadas no futuro.

estão em desenvolvimento.

Para muitos, aprender um idioma estrangeiro é tarefa quase inalcançável. O texto a seguir indica caminhos que desmistificam essa ideia. Na sequência, responda a questão.

1According to language experts, you can learn basic communication skills in weeks and master the basics of a foreign language in several months.

2 Sometimes travelling the globe for work will force you to come up with ways to master conversation in many languages. This is the case of Benny Lewis, an engineer, who learned enough of seven languages to work easily such as German, French and Spanish, and attained near fluency in several others, including Mandarin. “The biggest barrier in the beginning is the lack of confidence,” said Lewis. “That got better and better for me [as I spoke].”

3 Indeed, simply having the courage to speak is necessary if you are going to make progress in a foreign language, language experts said. “A lot of people don't make progress if they don't open their mouths,” said Michael Geisler, the vice president for language schools at Middlebury College in Vermont in the US. “If you are not willing to put your identity on the line, progress will be slower.” This means not being afraid to take risks or make mistakes.

4 Geisler believes that total immersion is key to mastering a foreign language quickly. The more you immerse yourself in the foreign language – such as reading, listening to the radio or speaking to people – the more rapid your progress will be.

5 As a recommendation, consume media in the foreign language. Even if you are starting out, read illustrated children's books or watch familiar films in a foreign language.

Disponível em: <http://www.bbc.com/capital/story/20150302-secrets-to-learning-a-language>. Acesso em: 03 set. 2015.


Segundo os entrevistados pela reportagem, um obstáculo à aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira é:

a dificuldade dos iniciantes em usar a língua-alvo.

a timidez para se comunicar com outros falantes.

o alto investimento requerido em cursos e viagens.

a impossibilidade de adquirir confiança para falar.

a falta de oportunidades para se viajar ao exterior.